Humanities Podcasting: Multiethnic Digital Storytelling
Digital Humanities Workshop
November 11, 2021

Richard J. Daley Library, IDEA Commons Classroom
801 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60607
Download iCal File*Scroll Down for Registration.
This workshop will be led by podcasting experts and UIC alumni Deepthi Murali and Manamee Guha. We invite faculty and graduate students to join us in learning how to start a podcast of one's own. The event will feature an introductory presentation followed by a hands-on tutorial.
Attendees should download Audacity before the workshop. Alternatively, Mac users can use Garage Band but should make sure updates are installed.
Masks are required for this event. Non-UIC participants will be required to show a photo ID and vaccination card in order to enter. The workshop will also be livestreamed via Zoom. Registration is below and is required for both live and virtual attendees. Please only register for one or the other, NOT both.
- 10:00-10:15 -- Welcome & Introduction
- 10:15-Noon-- Workshop leaders will present and discuss their podcasts and give an overview of the day, groups will be assigned for breakout sessions
- Noon-1:00 -- Lunch
- 1:00-2:45 -- Breakout Sessions 1: technical/ idea generation
- 3:00-4:45 -- Breakout Sessions 2: technical/ idea generation
- *all participants will take part in both breakout sessions in turn
- 4:45-5:15 -- Q&A, Closing Remarks
The Digital Humanities Initiative is a partnership between the UIC University Library and the Institute for the Humanities.
Date posted
Oct 14, 2021
Date updated
Nov 29, 2021

Dr. Deepthi Murali | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media at George Mason University
Dr. Deepthi Murali is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media at George Mason University. She works on a number of digital history projects including the history podcasts Consolation Prize and Masala History, and PhD Futures Now! a podcast on Humanities PhDs and career diversity.

Dr. Manamee Guha | Assistant Professor of History | Fort Hays State University
Dr. Manamee Guha is Assistant Professor of History at Fort Hays State University. She works on the podcast Masala History, which explores different historical topics related to South Asia.